Sarah Z. Cole, DO, FAAFP

Dr. Cole is the program director at Mercy Family Medicine in St. Louis, MO. 

She earned her medical degree from Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine and completed her residency at Illinois Masonic Medical Center (osteopathic internship) and Mercy Family Medicine St. Louis (family medicine residency). 

What are your greatest professional interests?

I am a geek for all things related to GME administration and regulation, including as it relates to health care advocacy. Clinically, I have particular interests in care of infants and children, hospital medicine, point of care ultrasound and osteopathic medicine. 

What are your personal hobbies and interests?

I am a certified yoga instructor. I also enjoy backpacking and hiking. In 2021, I am section hiking the 237 miles of the Katy Trail here in Missouri. 

If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing about graduate medical education, what would it be?

I would increase the number of CMS-funded GME spots and redistribute them to emphasize primary care specialties. 

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