Become a Member

All AFMRD members must be family physicians. 

Learn about all of the AFMRD member benefits below under WHY JOIN.

  • Program Director of an ACGME accredited program - $395
  • Associate Program Director - $195 
  • Associate Member -  $195 - Associate members are in addition to the associate director members for each program. Family physicians who meet the following criteria may be associate members:
    • Any designated residency director of an accredited Canadian family medicine residency program
    • Designated residency directors of developing residency programs actively seeking ACGME accreditation
    • Former residency director members of the AFMRD
    • Former residency director of AOA accredited family medicine residency
    • Any graduate of the National Institute for Program Director Development (NIPDD)
  • International Program Director (ACGME accredited) - $395
  • International Associate Member (not ACGME accredited) - $195 

If there is a change in program director or associate director leadership in your organization, contact AFMRD to update your records.

For more questions on membership information, contact AFMRD

Member FAQ

Q: When does my membership expire?
A: The AFMRD membership cycle is by calendar year, January 1 through December 31. Memberships expire on December 31st unless renewed for the following year. 

Q: Is the AFMRD a part of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)?
A: No, the AFMRD is a separate organization. 

Q: Who can submit a job posting to the AFMRD job board?
A: While anyone can view the job openings, only AFMRD members may submit job postings. No recruiters, please.  

Q: I receive too many emails from the member discussion forum, how do I manage all these emails?
A: You can change your subscription to receive email digests daily by changing your subscription type for the discussion forum.

Q: Can I be an AFMRD member once I retire?
A: Yes, former residency director members may join as Associate Members.

Why Join AFMRD?

Our Community

What makes the AFMRD unique?

We cater exclusively to family medicine residency directors and their associate program directors. With our sharp focus on leadership, the AFMRD has successfully served an entire nation of family medicine residency directors — and influenced the direction of the discipline — for more than 30 years.


One of the most lauded benefits of an AFMRD membership is the opportunity for program directors to communicate with and learn from a vibrant, experienced community of peers. Members can connect with other family medicine residency program directors through the online discussion forum and member directory.

Career Development

Our renowned National Institute for Program Director Development (NIPDD) is highly sought after. This competitive, professional development program, led by an esteemed Academic Council, is a nationally recognized fellowship open to a limited number of AFMRD members each year.


The AFMRD provides you with the resources essential to meet the day-to-day responsibilities and challenges of running a successful residency program. Many of our resources are stored within AFMRD’s PD Toolbox that contains documents from a variety of residency programs, as well as the popular AFMRD Salary Survey which provides data helpful in negotiating residency program salaries.


The AFMRD offers several awards throughout the year that celebrate the accomplishments of program directors and their residents.

  • Our Program Director Recognition Award recognizes program directors for tenure, training, scholarly activity, peer development, professional development, and advocacy.
  • The Nikitas J. Zervanos Outstanding Program Director Award honors a program director who demonstrates leadership and advancement of the specialty, is a mentor to residents and medical students, and provides service to the community and to family medicine organizations. The recipient of this award is selected by the AFMRD and the American Academy of Family Physicians.
  • Residency programs can select worthy residents to receive the AFMRD Resident Award for Scholarship and the AFMRD Resident Award for Advocacy.


The AFMRD maintains a leadership role in family medicine by being actively involved in health policy and academic issues. Through our board of directors and a robust network of liaisons, the AFMRD serves as a conduit between our members and other family medicine organizations, regulatory entities, and government agencies.

We advocate for and inform our members on legislative and policy issues that impact family medicine residency programs. As a member of the Council of Academic Family Medicine (CAFM), we support a dedicated advocacy representative in Washington, DC. We encourage residents and members to become active in advocacy by providing annual scholarships to the Family Medicine Advocacy Summit.


The AFMRD is your organization! There are many opportunities for members to engage in committees or task forces that will help shape the future of family medicine residency training. For more information on how to get involved, contact AFMRD.